Who Was / Who Is Books (ToolKit)
Various Authors
Age Rec: 2nd-5th Grade
Themes: Influential People, Historic Events & Inventions
This credited and highly popular series is a fun opportunity for Book Club 4 Kids members to pick a book specific to them and their interests. Members each pick their own book from the series to read and then present their findings at the meeting. Each member will have a unique topic/theme/person to present.
Various Authors
Age Rec: 2nd-5th Grade
Themes: Influential People, Historic Events & Inventions
This credited and highly popular series is a fun opportunity for Book Club 4 Kids members to pick a book specific to them and their interests. Members each pick their own book from the series to read and then present their findings at the meeting. Each member will have a unique topic/theme/person to present.
Various Authors
Age Rec: 2nd-5th Grade
Themes: Influential People, Historic Events & Inventions
This credited and highly popular series is a fun opportunity for Book Club 4 Kids members to pick a book specific to them and their interests. Members each pick their own book from the series to read and then present their findings at the meeting. Each member will have a unique topic/theme/person to present.